Monday, July 31, 2006

The Cure For Intellectuality: Hard Physical Labor

There's a patch of dried, hard, compacted dirt turf in the backyard of my house. For years I've been saying that I would go to HomeDepot and buy me a pick and rip trhough that dirt and make it into a nice path with brick and plants and maybe even a gazebo or a barbeque pit on it.

Well, that day has finally arrived because on saturday, around 11:00 AM, got that pick (I actually borrowed it from a friend) and got to start digging and ripping and ... breaking my back? Yeah, that's right. The only thing I accomplished after 4 hours of hard intense labor was to get such a sored back and muscles that WHEEEW ... it hurts.

So far I've got 3/4 of it done.

After I finish ripping through that hard soil with the pick, my plan is to buy some soil builder or mulch, some fertilizer, and finely chopped tree bark to mix it into the soil with a little plowing machine, which I can rent from HomeDepot. After that is done, then, I'm going to get some pieces of bricks and large slabs of some kind of rock and lay a semi path on that 15'x25' with 4 small trees, some Mexican Sage and maybe even some Lilly of the Nile and a Lemmon tree.
The work has begun ... so, there's no stopping now.

Besides, I'm really enjoying it and maybe even shedding some pounds off while doing it.

We also bought a Japanese Orchid tree along with 3 rose bushes, and some yellow flowers with a dark brown center (have no idea what they're called). The rose bushes are now on the front yard while the yellow flowers are in a brown larg pot. The tree we will plant it maybe next week.

It was hard work but also a lot of fun... and it took my mind off all that intellectual stuff and war and yadah yadah yadah politics and church.

... and untill the next time... Ouch, my shoulder blade is pretty sore after all that shoveling and rippin the soil.


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